Where to?

Moses’ mother had an inclination that her baby boy was destined for greatness and did all she could to keep him alive- to become. “The woman became pregnant and had a son. She saw that there was something special about him and hid him. She hid him for three months.” Exodus 2:2 Message

Our children are here for defined reasons. They must be protected and guided to become that which was purposed before they were born.

Your child already has a path. There is a career path for your child. Do you know?
Intentionally make this week more than a costumed occasion where your child dresses up in some garb for a day, poses for the camera and then life goes on. Instead or in addition to, seek the Lord who intentionally created your child and gifted him/her to you. In addition, observe your child, find out the meaning of his/her name, recall words of prophesies spoken over your child, speak the child’s Sunday or Sabbath School teacher who would have been watching over your child in prayer. Talk with the child’s class teacher and friends.

Your child is not just becoming that person, he/she is already marked. He/she just needs to be molded efficiently. That is where you come in.
Protect your child form all kinds of destiny altering initiatives – spiritually, cognitively, emotionally, nutritionally, physically, culturally and for some generationally.

When you have an early insight regarding your child’s career path you are better able to provide toys, books, varying forms of media, expose them to resource persons where they can learn how to benchmark themselves as well as find mentors and or role models.

The time will come when like Moses’ mom, you will have to release your child on the Nile- school, daycare or the workforce. Ensure that you have waterproofed the basket; find a way to be involved integrally in your child’s development.

Since we have a whole week to so focus, let us keep the conversation going.