Gold Digger Series – Episode 4

Interesting Salad Day

Rev. Dr. Natasha Francis-Campbell

September 20, 2021

Since eating fruits and vegetables in mandatory at Jabneh Christian Academy, Interesting Salad Day is one of our favourite calendar items.  Our icons must have a serving of fruits, vegetables or a mixture of both as snack for break while at school. (We hope that eventually all our parents will see the benefits and limit or eliminate the bags of sugar, salt and hydrogenated oils culturally accepted as snacks and replace them with fruits and vegetables in the homes.)

Every child needs more that one serving of fruits daily.  The benefits are far reaching. The lack of sufficient intake of fruits have far reaching negative effects too. Some grown ups are struggle with maladies that should not have been our portion had fruits been considered important and “must haves”.

Of all the benefits of having fruits we would like to highlight the role fruits and vegetable play in improving cognitive/academic performance. 

We send our children to school and hope to see improvement in academic performance term after term.  Is it not empowering to note that this journey begins in the home? 

A well-balanced diet is necessary for proper brain development.  Fresh fruits and vegetables, if consumed by children will boosts academic performance thorough their schooling.

We are in an era where focus in the learning environment is a rare treasure.  Did you know that the consumption of fruits and vegetables in focus? What is more, focus helps students gain and retain information.

As we dig to unearth the golden treasures in our children, let us make the necessary, responsible adjustments to our shopping lists, shopping carts and experiences.  Let us slow down at the sections of the supermarkets where the fruits and vegetables are displayed rather than hastening to the “killer” shelves for ‘SNACKS’.

Benefits of Interesting Salad Day

All level learners can  and should benefit greatly from event if carefully considerations are engaged. 

  • The learner can name fruits and vegetables as well as other ingredients used.
  • Name the letters that begin the name of the items.
  • Give the sound of the letters.
  • Identify the blends heard at the beginning of the name of the items.
  • Identify final consonant sounds.
  • Spell the names of fruits and vegetables.
  • Sort fruits and vegetables into colours, shapes, sizes, textures, and groups.  Vegetables are divided into five groups.
  • Count items.
  • Weigh items.
  • Cut items into fractional parts.
  • Perform additions and subtractions.
  • Draw pictures of fruits and vegetables.
  • Make fruits and vegetables using modelling dough or any other type of suitable materials.
  • Write sentences, blogs, stories, etc.
  • Share with neighbours and families.
  • Develop a love and  an appetite for fruits and vegetables
  • Develop photography skills by taking photos of the process and final product.
  • Do a vlog
  • Do research to determine where the different  fruits and vegetables come from.
  • Do a Bible reading about the day God created vegetables and fruits.

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Gold Diggers Series – Episode 3

Rest Time

Rev. Dr. Natasha Francis-Campbell

September, 2021

Rest time provides the icons with a time to slow down, recharge and process what they have learnt.

Though rest time can include napping, many of our icons are terrified to nap.  They feel as though it is punishment.  They do not see it as a needful component in their growth and development.  Children from age 3 to 5 years need 10 to 13 hours of sleep each night and may still need additional daily naps.

Have you structured things in your home to afford your icon enough sleep?

Is your icon sleep depraved?  Sleep depravity has many consequences.  As you dig for gold, you will need to deal with this issue if is out of order in your home.

If you are using sleep time to punish your icons, please stop.  It is harming your icon.

While some icons are terrified to sleep, other can hardly stay awake once a seat is provided.  Without some indication of an issue on the medical form, we  will assume that the icon is sleep depraved.  Of course, you can see that this will lead to challenges in the learning environment.

During rest time we aim to please all.  Sleeping areas are prepared for those who will sleep, and alternative activities are provided for those who will not sleep but need to slow down, recharge and process.

Rest Time Activities

Rest time or quiet time activities includes:

  • reading
  • being read to
  • colouring
  • doing puzzles
  • drawing
  • painting
  • writing
  • the use of special toys
  • screen time
  • listening to music
  • playing music

The school day is much shorter  these days as we employ innovative skills to bolster  our resilience.  Rest or nap time will not be facilitated at school.  We are encouraging our parents and caregivers to facilitate rest or nap time once the icons have returned to your care daily.

Memory Verse

In peace I will lie down and sleep, for you alone, Lord, make me dwell in safety.

Psalm 4:8


Gold Digger Series – Episode 2

Guided Learning

September 4, 2021

This session affords the facilitators the  opportunity to support and challenge learners as well as focus on the learning needs of individual icons or small groups.  This is still possible with virtual schooling.  Small groups can be accommodated.  Since our platform of choice is Zoom, we use breakout rooms to facilitate small groups.

Concepts previously introduced during Circle Time can now be reinforced or explored. 

Learning tools are also employed such as textbooks, electronic devices, charts, worksheets, and whatever apparatus becomes necessary to reinforce a concept or  to make it stick.

Each icon gets personalised instruction from the facilitator.  Pre- COVID-19, the facilitator would sit with each icon at different times throughout the day for individualised consultation.  Lines are known violations as they prevent the icons from benefitting from the privacy   personalised time affords.

Since we are still observing the COVID-19 protocols, we must maintain our distance without compromising the  programme.  The icons are now invited to the facilitator’s station one at a time for  the individualised interaction.

We love this time.  The icons can’t wait for their turn in the chair.  Usually, they are eager to share all sorts of stories and experiences. 

“Learning is not attained by chance; it must be sought for with ardour and attended to with diligence.” Abigail Adams