Joy! We’ve Got Joy.

Our value word for the month of June is JOY

We have intentionally pulled joy to the foreground as it can get lost in the myriad of disappointments, challenges, anxious moments, and lawlessness that appears to occupy the scene constantly.

Joy is not happiness.

Joy is not the result of being healthy, wealthy, or smart.

A friend of mine lost her beloved mother this week. We started conversing a few hours after and though it was obvious she was mourning she exuded such joy.  As a matter of fact, she told me that she was mourning not mournful.  Can you imagine that!

We can, if we understand James 1:2-3 which states,

Dear brothers and sisters,[a] when troubles of any kind come your way, consider it an opportunity for great joy. For you know that when your faith is tested, your endurance has a chance to grow.”

Weeping is not indicative of the absence of joy.  Joy is rooted in Christ Jesus.  The fullness of joy is found in Him.

No matter what comes, we have joy.  For the month of June, we pray that you will experience the fullness of joy.

Joy Overflow- We do not own the rights to the song. Dancer- Icon Ajahne Reid